
Type: string
Context: prediction

About this parameter

If and how should the recommendations be rendered: list, content, tree, sort, advanced or pills.

Parameter valueExplanation
listThe default way which results in a list where each LI contains an A that links to the page. If data-listcols is combined with renderstyle="list" the result is formatted as a table.
contentEach hit is supplemented with an image and preamble from the recommended page. Depending on whether the page has been able to be spun correctly
treeRenders a sorted structure
sortSorts the links that already exist in a list. When rendering is complete, "rek-sorting-done" is added as a class to parent elements so they can enable the element to be displayed.
advancedOften used for news recommendations. Includes image, title and preamble.
pillsCreates oval shaped links with the appearance called "pills"

Usage examples

<div class="rek-prediction" data-renderstyle="advanced"></div>