Search settings

Search settings

image of search settings tab in dashboard

Generic correct spelling

Uses a general dictionary to automatically correct spelling mistakes in search terms. This helps ensure that the search query is accurate, increasing the chances of finding relevant results even if there are minor spelling errors.

Generic synonyms

Automatically adds synonyms for the search terms, broadening the search. By including alternative words with similar meanings, it helps capture more relevant results, even when different terminology is used.

Site-specific correct spelling

Applies correct spelling based on the site's own dictionary, ensuring that search terms are aligned with the specific language or terminology used on the site, which may differ from standard dictionaries.

Custom synonyms

Synonyms are used in the keyword suggestions. includes a large number of synonyms from the start but if you want, you can add your own that suit your organization. Click manage next to the title to edit.

image of custom synonyms tab in dashboard

The picture above show how to add a word, its meaning and in what language it is in.