Global settings

Under global settings you can see your status and in the premium version there is the option to activate searchword suggestions and integration to the e-service portal.

Integrate E-service portal can integrate e-service portals in the recommendations. We can easily activate this for you if you send us an email.
You can read more about e-service portals here (opens in a new tab).

Search autocomplete

Let the AI ​​suggest words when the visitor starts typing in the search box. Your regular search engine is then activated, with the suggested keyword printed. In our tests, we have seen that the result of the function gives an improvement of 150% when it comes to the interaction with your search box.

By clicking in this box, AI powered search suggestions are activated on your website.


You can read more about search suggestions here.


In our Dashboard (opens in a new tab) you will find more information and statistics regarding your project.

You can read more about our Dashboard here.