Search Autocomplete Sitevision

Features in autocomplete for Sitevision

  • Displays suggestions to end-users as they type
  • Shows top suggestion as a hint (i.e. background text)

Sitevision module

If you are using the Sitevision module, click on this link (opens in a new tab) for more information.


The sv-autocomplete.min.js library must be included after base script.

<script src=""></script>


Step 1


Step 2

Initialize the auto-completion calling the rekai_autocomplete function and adding the selector for a search box allready on a template.

<script src=""></script>
  svDocReady(function() {
      $svjq(".sv-searchform-portlet input[name='query']").rekAutoComplete();

If selecting a search term shall direct the user to the target page.

  svDocReady(function() {
    $svjq(".sv-searchform-portlet input[name='query']").rekAutoComplete({ // ID for the search input field
      sendToTarget: true

When a search result links to an external URL, such as an e-service, the system automatically enables the link to open in a new window.

If you'd like to enhance the link, perhaps by adding your own icon, you can do so by creating CSS rules for the class automatically assigned to external links.

Search only in a part of a site

To search various sections of the web from different areas of your website, you have the flexibility to dynamically determine the subtree.

  svDocReady(function() {
    var subtree = '';
    var href = window.location.href;
    if(href.indexOf('/english') > -1) {
      subtree = '/english,/studentweb';
    else if(href.indexOf('/swedish') > -1) {
      subtree = '/studentwebb';
    $svjq(".sv-searchform-portlet input[name='query']").rekAutoComplete({ // ID for the search input field
      params: {
        subtree: subtree

If you want a certain search box to only search for e-services

It is possible to create a dedicated search box for e-services by specifying the external domain in the domain parameter.

An additional example can be found here

  svDocReady(function() {
    $svjq(".sv-searchform-portlet input[name='query']").rekAutoComplete({ // ID for the search input field
      params: {
        domain: 'fagerstawebservice'

Parameter to Control Autocomplete in Sitevision

You can enhance the autocomplete feature in Sitevision by adding specific parameters during initialization. Simply input these parameters under the "params" category.

Here's an example of initializing with the "rootpathlevel" for autocomplete:

   svDocReady(function() {
       $svjq(".sv-searchform-portlet input[name='query']").rekAutoComplete({
          params: {
            userootpath: true,
            rootpathlevel: 1

Or if you want to return all collected data including json+ld, and in a subtree:

   svDocReady(function() {
       $svjq(".sv-searchform-portlet input[name='query']").rekAutoComplete({
           params: {
               addcontent: true,
               subtree: 'news'

The settings that can be made are:

   svDocReady(function() {
       $svjq(".sv-searchform-portlet input[name='query']").rekAutoComplete({
           cssClasses: {
               resultList: 'sv-autocomplete-search-result',
               resultItem: 'sv-autocomplete-result-item',
               activeResultItem: 'sv-autocomplete-result-item-active'
           appendTo: 'body',
           queryParameterName: 'term',
           delay: 200,
           cacheTTL: 300000,
           source: source,
           minLength: 2,
           params: {
               // Here all parameters added to a prediction div can be added. Such as subtree or lang
               subtree: 'news'
           sendToTarget: false, //Send directly to target page instead of search results page,
           userootpath: false,
           rootpathlevel: 1 // Same as for a prediction

All the data parameters that can be added to a predict-div can also be added to autocomplete.

Then these are put in a "params" parameter.

  svDocReady(function() {
    $svjq(".sv-searchform-portlet input[name='query']").rekAutoComplete({
      params: {
        subtree: '/myeservices'

Function to run before autocomplete runs

It is possible to register a custom function that runs before autocomplete is sent to the backend.

function customAutocompleteTransform(tempSource){
   return tempSource + '&foo=bar';
window.__rekai.customAutocompleteTransform = customAutocompleteTransform;

Override rendering of the autocomplete, open external links in same window

By adding your own function for rendering, you can give your proposals unique appearances depending on, for example, the url.

If you don't want external links to open in a new window you can override the render function to ​​generate the same code for all links:

  // This function name is use when rendering a result
  window.rekaiSVAutoRenderItem = function(prediction) {
    return '<li class="normal" data-targeturl="' + prediction.url + '" ><a href="#">' + escapeHTML(prediction.title) + '</a></li>';

Or you can even create your own style of autocomplete:

   // This function name is use when rendering a result
   window.rekaiSVAutoRenderItem = function(prediction) {
        var value = prediction.title;
        try {
           if(this.options.sendToTarget) {
              // When sending directly to target, it must have a url
              if(prediction.pages == '') {
                 return '';
        catch(It is) { return '';}
        if(value.indexOf('?') > -1) {
           // For SV insert slash before ?
           value = value.replace(/\?/ig, '\\?');
        var url = prediction.url;
        // If external domain
        if(url.indexOf('http') > -1) {
           var tempLink = "'" + url + "'";
           var blank = "'_blank'";
           var externaltag = '<img alt="" src="/sitevision/util/images/externallink.png" class="sv-linkicon" styel="max-height: 10px;max-width: 10px;">';
           return '<li class="' + this.getCssClass('resultItem') + ' externalAutoClass"><a href="#" onclick="' + tempLink + ', ' + blank + ');">' + window.escapeHTML(value) + externaltag + '</a></li>';
        else {
           return '<li class="' + this.getCssClass('resultItem') + '" data-targeturl="' + url + '" ><a href="#">' + window.escapeHTML(value) + '</a></li>';

Add one last selection to autocomplete

If you wish to include a permanent option in the search suggestions, you can do so by overriding a specific function that adds a final choice to the list. This can be particularly useful if you desire to have an option that displays all search results on the results page.

Visa alla
   function submitForm() {
      // Get the form by its action attribute
      var form = document.querySelector('form[action="/ovrigt/sokresultat"]');
      // Submit the form if it exists
      if (form) {
   window.rekaiSVAutoRenderFinalItem = function(query) {
      return '<li class="sv-autocomplete-result-item"><a href="#" onclick="submitForm(); return false;">Visa alla träffar</a></li>';

Add tags to different pages in the autocomplete

  <style> {
      position: relative;
    } {
      font-size: 13px;
      color: #777;
      position: absolute;
      right: 9px;
      top: 9px;
      border-radius: 200px;
      background-color: #e9cecf;
      padding: 0 6px;
    li.tag-article:after {
      content: "Artikel";
    li.tag-tjanster:after {
      content: "Tjänster";
    li.tag-sida:after {
      content: "Sida";
    window.rekaiSVAutoRenderItem = function (prediction) {
      var tagClass = '';
      var url =  prediction.url;
      if(url.indexOf('artikel') > -1) {
          tagClass = 'use-tag tag-article';
      else if(url.indexOf('tjanster') > -1) {
          tagClass = 'use-tag  tag-tjanster';
      else {
          tagClass = 'use-tag  tag-sida';
      return '<li class="sv-autocomplete-result-item ' + tagClass + '" data-targeturl="' + url + '" ><a href="#">' + escapeHTML(prediction.title) + '</a></li>';

Sort autocomplete into "groupings"

If you want the autocomplete to be grouped, there is a sorting function that runs when it exists.

In it, you can choose how they should be grouped.

In the example below, you want to sort the results into first all programs and then all courses.

  // Custom function for sorting result before printing it to the search result
  window.sortResult = function(result) {
     var course = [];
     var program = [];
     for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
        if(result[i].url.indexOf('courses') > -1) {
           course.push(result[i]); // Add to course array
        else {
           program.push(result[i]); // Add to program array
     result = program; // First courses
     result = result.concat(course); // Then programs
     return result; // resturn concated array
  svDocReady(function() { // Page has loaded
     $svjq(".hh-search__input-field").rekAutoComplete({ // Init autocomplete
        params: {
          subtree: 'education/programme, education/courses', // Only pages sith this in the url
          nrofhits: '15', // Nr of hits
          maxpathdepth: '3' // Only att this level in the structure
       sendToTarget: true // Click on result shall go directly to the page